LG US996 (Unlocked) - SKT 2G Setting method
1. DM Port Open
Phone → Dial to ##7764726996 → send → input security code : 000000 → Port Check Test → Enable
2. Naming
Use DFS or DFS Evolution. You can use any CDMA tools.
3. USB Debugging
Use Developer Option.
4. Unlock Bootloader
US996 (Unlocked) is supported from LG Developer site.
5. SKT LTE Enable
1) /system/etc/apns-conf.xml
2) Modify and Delete SKT APNs
6. Modify soft-key height
1) /system/framework/framework-res.apk
2) de-compile use apktool
2) modify to /res/value/dimens.xml
7) show CDMA carrier name
1) eri.xml attach to /data
8) show sender number for SKT 2G
1) /framework/telephony-common.jar
2) \com\android\internal\telephony\cdma\SmsMessage.smali
3) use 'arcy's method
9) Encode KSC5601 (For send SMS by SKT 2G)
1) /system/etc/featureset.xml
2) insert the item
3) sms_over_diag_tool - true
PS1 ) Please use common sense
PS2 ) Do not ask to me about this post. It's not complete. I'm analyzing now.
PS3 ) I will update this post when add method