LGE V20 US996 Unlocked setting for SKT 2G CDMA
LGE US996 Unlocked patch work for SKT 2G CDMA
#2. Temp Root and Write TWRP → Download
#3. Format Data and Internal SD partition → Use TWRP. Delete Data partiton and Internal SD
#4. Flash Force Encrypt Disable, use TWRP → Download
#5. Flash Deodex Firmware, use TWRP → Download
The firmware is modified
1) Patched telephony-common, build.prop, featureset, apns-conf for SKT 2G
2) Delete some LGE apps (LGBackup, LGFOTA, LGQHelp, Evernote, Facebook..etc)
3) Delete some Google apps (Drive, EditorDocs, EditorSheet, EditorSlide, GMail2..etc)
4) Install Magisk
#6. Initialize phone
#7. Install Magisk Manager and Phh's superuser from Play store.
- You can hide root, use Magisk Manager
#8. Naming
- Must Enable USB Debugging (use normal sense)
- Dial in the phone, ##7764726996 + 000000 , Enable Port Check
- Install LGE USB Driver
- Connect and run DFS CDMA tool
- Input NAM1 and Data profile.
- Reboot.
#9. If you can't active Data on CDMA, Please use connect once another tethered phone by Wi-Fi.
#10. Enjoy.